Right-Hands Mix Owner's Blog

How innovation will come?


2024年でとても嬉しかったのは、テクノロジーの祭典・バンクーバーでのInnovate Westに参加させてもらったことです。マジックのような出来事でしたが、嬉しさのあまり、すんなり有り難く参加しました。ガイ・カワサキさんのブックショップのトークイベントに参加したときにその案内をいただきました。ありがとうございました!!!Keynote speechを聞けたこと忘れません!



Translated by Chat GPT

Tomorrow, I will be using the Square payment machine for the first time as I set up a booth at a local market. It’s amazing how technology has advanced!

One of the highlights of 2024 for me was getting the chance to attend Innovate West, a technology expo in Vancouver. It felt like magic, but I was so excited that I accepted the opportunity with gratitude. I received the invitation when I attended Guy Kawasaki-san’s talk event at a bookstore. Thank you so much!!!

One key takeaway from Innovate West was how important openness and connection are in technological advancement. And I completely agree. If we try to keep information to ourselves or hide it, it eventually stagnates our thoughts and those of the people around us. In the end, I believe that the groups who strive to share information are the ones who will drive innovation and take the lead. Maybe this is something everyone knows already! Because of sharing good ideas, we write blog!

I’m so excited for tomorrow! See you!

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